Family Of Eyres

Family of Eyres
Welcome to the stories of our life! We are so fortunate to have the most amazing extended families and friends. This is our way of keeping you up to date on the happenings in our world!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today was one that I won't ever forget as long as I live.
It all started with a trip down to the hotel pool here in Sarasota.
Willie was at the field so it was just me and the 3 kids.

Parker has been swimming so much better and Jackson is a fish.
Lily doesn't swim yet but she is fine with her floaties on.

The kids had been in the pool for an hour and Lily came out and decided she was done swimming and would color instead.
I sat with her while she colored and we took off her floaties so she could move her arms.
She ended up coloring on herself and said she was going to wash it off in pool.

What now seems like hours later, I heard Parker saying "Mom! Hurry, Lily is in the pool."
I jumped in and pulled her from the water.
She was alert, awake, and puking up water while gasping for air.

I got the kids out of pool and we went to the ER.
I scrambled to call Willie at the field and couldn't get in touch with him.
I got through to someone else at the field who quickly got Willie.
He met us at the hospital.

Lily was acting fine. Very normal. I have heard far too many stories of children who have a similar experience and then die hours later from water in their lungs that no one knew about.
I did not and do not want to be that statistic.
The ER x-rayed her lungs and found no water! PRAISE GOD! They did find a very large air bubble. They monitored her for the next few hours and let us go.
We monitored her all day and will wake her up throughout the night.
My baby girl was terrified. Her mama is still terrified.

The What-if game is horrendous. The re-living the ordeal is a nightmare.

I love her. I love her so very much.
The idea that our life could change in just a moment has hit us all so hard.

Cherish every moment. We plan to.

This video was taken the night before...even then she knew,
that God is "So big. So strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God can not do."


MegnHarry said...

POOR BABY!!! I would've freaked out!! So glad it sounds like you stayed relatively calm to get her to the ER and so glad that everything is okay with your princess! God is good!

Lindsay With An "A" said...

This made me almost cry! I am SO SO glad she is ok! I said a prayer for you guys the moment I saw you post this on Facebook. The Jakubauskas fam is saying a prayer now.... GOD IS GOOD! Love you guys!


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