Family Of Eyres

Family of Eyres
Welcome to the stories of our life! We are so fortunate to have the most amazing extended families and friends. This is our way of keeping you up to date on the happenings in our world!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Greatest Lesson

I did this activity with my class and it has been a great one! I passed out paper to each student. They were all asking "What's this for?" I did not say anything.
I instructed them to crumple the paper, stomp on it, but not to tear it. Once we were done, we smoothed the page out.
I explained that no matter how much we smooth it out, it will never go back to how it was.
Then, I spoke about the words we say to each other and how they truly affect us.
I said that when we say mean things, they stick. No matter how many times we say we are sorry, these words can impact someone for a lifetime.
Since this lesson, the students are trying. They are a gifted class so they sometimes expect perfection from themselves and each other. They will say "You are wrinkling him/her" if a student says something mean.
I left these pages up as a reminder of how important our words are.

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