Family Of Eyres

Family of Eyres
Welcome to the stories of our life! We are so fortunate to have the most amazing extended families and friends. This is our way of keeping you up to date on the happenings in our world!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clean Eating

I have struggled with my weight for my entire life.
I am a carb-aholic and could sit down and eat a loaf of white bread in one sitting, I think.
I have always enjoyed working out for the positive way it makes me feel.
And in my younger years, working out kept my weight gain at a minimum most of the times.

I also have a sugar problem, which I like to pretend doesn't exist at most times.
I have filled up on carbs and chocolate and bad food for me.

So, I talked to my sister-in-law, who lost quite a bit of weight, even though she was not overweight to begin with.
I could see in her how great she was feeling. I wanted to feel that way.

So, I have started eating "clean."
I am eating mostly non-processed foods, straight from nature.
I am a work in progress so I will certainly be doing an even better job as time goes on.

I feel amazing!! I no longer feel sluggish and hungry.
I eat every 3 hours and that has completely regulated my blood sugar.
Now, I have only been doing this for 9 days. I have lost 6 pounds as of this morning.
The way my clothes fit tell me I have lost even more inches.

I eat fruits and veggies and lean chicken and turkey. I will add fish in there this week.
I eat brown rice. I have 2 snacks. I drink lots of water.

I will be honest and say, I have had a soda once during this time.
I am going to hit the health food store in the next couple of days to see what other drinks I can have. Sometimes water needs a little kick.

So, I am super excited about this new way of eating. I will certainly be moving the kids more into this direction, though I doubt I will be able to switch them entirely.

For now, I am going to enjoy feeling so good!

If you would like more information on "clean eating," check out this new website...

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